POD (Portable Object Desktop). Provides a full Java based, cross-platform,
object-oriented desktop environment that provides easy access to network based
applications, including: Java Applets, Java Applications(JNLP), and Web Apps.
POD is completely modular enabling systems to be integrated directly into the
Version 0.6.5 now available.
it now or use the QuickSteps to install it on
- 100% Java Application environment
- Java Applet Container/Launcher
- Java Application JNLP Launcher (Netx)
- Run multiple Applications in the Same VM (Saves tons of RAM)
- Full XML based component framework (BLX)
- Rich User Interface Environment
- Place Launchable Tiles right on the Native Desktop
- Create Sticky Notes on the Native Desktop
- Create TileSets (Collections of Tiles)
- Position the Master Tile in any desktop corner
- Tear-Off Menu support. The POD Master Menu can be torn off and placed on
the Native Desktop.